Monday, September 13, 2010

Mississippi Delta


The Mississippi Delta is and always will be my home no matter where I find myself settling.  Its where I grew up. Its the one thing I know best. And of all the places I've been and photographed there isn't anything quite like it.  I can imagine a lot of people from the Mississippi Delta reading this and saying " what are you talking about? This place is boring and flat."  The thing is that the beauty and history are so unappreciated by many in the area. People have been dwelling too long about how there isn't anything to to, or constantly talking about how they want to move as far away as possible from it that they cant truly see whats here. That is why I'm so glad to be a photographer. I want to be able to show others what they are missing if they would only just stop for a minute and appreciate what we have here. I won't go into what we do or don't have. I will only show you. What you see might be just pieces of lad you over look or don't pay much attention to or colors and lines that you haven't caught your eye until now. I believe its all beautiful and I hope I am sharing it with others that will appreciate it

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